Strengthen you knowledge through continuing professional development

We never stop learning. That is why the Chiropractic Knowledge Hub organises a series of continuing professional development courses for chiropractors every year.

Stay up-to-date through continuing professional development

The continuing professional development function of the chiropractic knowledge hub solves a number of tasks related to continuing education and contributes to realising our vision and core mission by offering various courses, webinars, and other continuing education activities for chiropractors in Denmark.


If you want to gain a deeper insight into specific topics during your continuing professional development, we recommend that you participate in our masterclasses. Explore the details of our Masterclass in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound or Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic by clicking on the following link. These intensive courses provide a comprehensive understanding and practical experience in these specialized areas that can enhance your professional expertise.

Course conditions

The continuing education courses follow the relevant course regulations established by Kiropraktorernes Videnscenter. These regulations usually include requirements for participation, evaluations, course materials, and other relevant guidelines that ensure a well-structured and valuable learning experience.

Read Continuing Professional Development news