Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic

If you want to use your skills as a chiropractor in sports, the Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic is just for you.

Get ready to use your skills in the world of sports

Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic is a modernisation of the previous Sports Chiropractic Continuing Education Programme (IKE).

The masterclass is based on experiences from the previous educational programs as well as focus group interviews with relevant stakeholders within the sports chiropractic field. The programme uses previous content, but most of it is newly developed for this masterclass.

The goal of the masterclass is to provide chiropractors with an interest in sports and sports chiropractic with the skills to act and act professionally and professionally in the Danish sports environment. The course should prepare the chiropractor much more to be able to embrace the many different tasks that the chiropractor encounters in the world of sports and not just to be good at diagnosis and treatment.

The aim of the masterclass is to provide the participants with the following overall competencies:

  • Develop and demonstrate personal skills in clinical practice
  • Establish and maintain health and performance partnerships.
  • Leadership and advice to athletes.
  • Develop the quality of health and service offerings in the sports environment.
  • Collaborate with other professions and roles in an interdisciplinary environment.

The competencies are achieved through 7 teaching modules and 1 final module, which is a written assignment.

The modules can be taken independently of each other except for module 8, which must complete the course.

The diploma for the masterclass is obtained when all 8 modules have been completed.

Module dates

The first group of students from the Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic have just completed their course.

The start of a new Masterclass in Sports Chiropractic will soon be announced. Keep an eye on this page for updates!

Module overview

Module 1 - Interdisciplinary practice for sports chiropractors 
The module should provide the participant with skills to work and act in an interdisciplinary context and collaborate with other actors around the athlete.

Module 2 - Manual interventions 
The module should provide the participant with clinical skills in manual treatment and acute sports injuries.

Module 3 - Rehabilitation, intervention and training 
The module should provide the participant with skills in rehabilitation and training and strengthen the clinical behavior in the sports and exercise environment.

Module 4 - Prevention, screening, evaluation and counseling of the athlete 
The module should provide the participant with skills in prevention, screening and counseling and strengthen the clinical behavior in the sports and exercise environment.

Module 5 - Diagnosis and examination of the athlete
The module should provide the participant with skills in sports-related imaging diagnostics and differential diagnostics.

Module 6 - From athlete to patient to athlete
The module should provide the participant with skills in handling the athlete’s course from athlete to patient to athlete again.

Module 7 - Career development & professional practice
The module should provide the participant with skills to drive and develop their own career in the sports and exercise environment.

Module 8 - Final assignment
The final assignment should summarize knowledge and learning from the 7 modules and show that the participant can reflect and contextualize the knowledge that has been learned.

Structure of the modules

All modules are fundamentally structured in the same way and are each weighted as 1 ECTS point, which is equivalent to 27.5 hours. The hours indicate the workload and are relative to the actual workload. The hours are distributed as follows:

  • 14 hours - teaching (virtual/physical)
  • 5 hours - module assignment (written)
  • 8.5 hours - self-study/preparation

The modules will be structured in the same way and with the same length. The first date of module 1 will be a virtual introduction in the evening, and the following two days will require physical attendance. Module 2 does not have a virtual part, and module 8 does not require any physical attendance.

The assignment (module 8) will be a smaller assignment that must be completed to pass the module. The assignment should demonstrate that the participant is able to reflect on what has been learned and provide perspectives on clinical practice. The specific requirements will be stated in the description of each individual module.

Self-study and preparation will vary depending on the module and will be stated in the description of each individual module.

When you have registered, you will be assigned to a Microsoft Teams folder for the relevant module. All course material will be available in the group, and this is also where the module assignments must be submitted. Each module has one facilitator who is responsible for the module.


Do you have any questions about Masterclass i Sports Chiropractic? Write to us: